Il est bien plus beau de savoir quelque chose de tout que de savoir tout d'une chose. [Blaise Pascal]

How to Export a SharePoint 2007 User List to Excel

We almost all faced this question from our users, “can you extract me the list of accounts we have in our site collection?”.
You can easily display the list of users by going in Site Actions > Site Settings > People And Groups, but there is no easy way under WSS 3.0, MOSS 2007, SharePoint Foundation and Server 2010 to export user list.

Here is the trick to export the list of users:

1.       The following url will make the extraction:
You just need to replace the [site], [LISTID] and [VIEWID]. You may guess what [site] is :-)

2.       To get the other elements, go on Site Actions > Site Settings > People and Groups and click on All People on the quick launch.

3.       Go to Settings > List Settings

4.       Go down to Views section and click on List View. This will bring you to the Edit List page.

5.       If you check on the page url, you can identify the "List=" and "View=". Copy those ID’s and replace placeholders on the url given in step one.

6.       Navigate to this created url. You will be prompted to open or save the Internet Query File owssvr.iqy file that can be opened with Excel.

Note that this technique is not only limited to the user list, you can use it with any other list.


  1. Nice post now i have learnt to export sharepoint, it will definitely help me for my sharepoint training

  2. Hi,

    I need all users with his/her correspondence group into excel sheet please assist.


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